
About Mari

Who aM I and what is

… MindBlowing Yoga?

MindBlowing Yoga is a platform that shares yoga practices for You to experience inner vibrancy where ever you are in life. 

With a global growing community of users, MindBlowing Yoga brings health, well-being and vitality into people’s lives, to make healthy living the standard, not the exception.

MindBlowing Yoga is led by Yogini Mari Hall, who formed this community platform in 2018, with the aim of creating a high frequency space to share her knowledge and yoga practices with those who resonate with her styles.

MY vision

My Mission

To inspire positive health and vitality in individuals by providing yoga training, classes and courses as well as health and meditation guidance. 

I am here to deliver quality yoga and meditation resources so that people can expand their yoga knowledge and health wisdom and ultimately, live a boundless life. 

Meet the founder

Mari Hall

Hello lovelies, I’m Mari,

I started MindBlowing Yoga because I wanted to be able to share the insights, the learnings and the physical attributes the world of yoga has given me over the years.

I’m a once upon a time gym junkie turned yoga junkie and have always had an insatiable curiosity around the body and its health, being fascinated by how it works and how we can get the most out of it.

I’ve done course after course, everything from personal training to massage and now over the past 10+ years within yoga and ayurveda.

I love it, it’s my passion and I’m here to share it with you. X

Meet the founder

Mari Hall

Hello lovelies, I’m Mari,

I started MindBlowing Yoga because I wanted to be able to share the insights, the learnings and the physical attributes the world of yoga has given me over the years.

I’m a once upon a time gym junkie turned yoga junkie and have always had an insatiable curiosity around the body and its health, being fascinated by how it works and how we can get the most out of it.

I’ve done course after course, everything from personal training to massage and now over the past 10+ years within yoga and ayurveda.

I love it, it’s my passion and I’m here to share it with you. X


The Benefits of  Yoga


“Yoga is a magical science that uses asanas, mantra, energy healing, exercises and meditations to tap into the magnetic force of the universe, which is love. When we live in that frequency of love, we feel gratitude. Like attracts like, and therefore gratitude attracts more gratitude.”



Health & Healing

Movement & Flow

Inner health and vitality is such an important aspect of how we feel in our lives. By expanding our receptivity to new practices of yoga, we are putting ourselves in a position of power to move through our days with more ease and grace.


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